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North Korean Air Force Wikipedia

North Korea's Kim Jong-un Prioritizes Air Force

KPAF Focus Shifts, Modernization Efforts Continue

Expanded Operations, Strategic Significance

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is reportedly paying increased attention to the Korean People's Air and Air-Defense Force (KPAF), a move that has raised eyebrows among observers. The KPAF has traditionally played a secondary role to the ground forces, but recent developments indicate a shift in priorities.

The last significant operation by North Korea's fighter fleet was the interception of a US RC-135 surveillance aircraft by four MiG-29 fighters in March. However, analysis of satellite imagery suggests that the KPAF has been engaging in more frequent and wide-ranging exercises, including long-range sorties and simulated attacks on strategic targets.

Experts believe that Kim Jong-un's focus on the air force is driven by several factors. Firstly, North Korea's nuclear and missile programs have been met with strong international condemnation and sanctions. By developing a more capable air force, Kim could potentially neutralize potential threats from the US and its allies.

Secondly, the KPAF could play a crucial role in defending North Korea against attack from the south. The ROKAF (South Korean Air Force) and the US Air Force Korea-Seventh Air Force have a significant advantage in terms of technology and numbers, so the KPAF would need to rely on asymmetric tactics and strategic positioning to deter or counter an attack.

The KPAF's modernization efforts have included the acquisition of new aircraft, such as the Su-25 and MiG-29, as well as the development of indigenous drones. However, the force still faces significant challenges, including a shortage of modern weaponry and a lack of experience in operating complex systems.

Despite these challenges, Kim Jong-un's emphasis on the KPAF is a clear indication that he sees the air force as a vital component of North Korea's defense strategy. As the force continues to modernize and develop, it could pose a more significant threat to its neighbors and the stability of the region.
